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The Work

Six Part Series

Brad Dolan’s Back Country Warfare finds him head-to-head with a hustler named Ringo. Ringo already owns the county, the sheriff and most of the action…now he wants to own Dolan. Dolan comes high.

Brad Dolan’s Goat Island is set in a wild and overgrown chunk of earth in Florida’s Ten Thousand Islands…a sportsman’s paradise on the Gulf coast of the Everglades. He’s been trailing some men who put a whole in his best friend…and he’s getting close. Dolan’s not very popular down here, except with a local girl who’s been around long enough to know better. He’s not very popular with the men he’s hunting either. They figure if he missed his friend so much, maybe it’s time he joined him.

Brad Dolan’s Florida Frame-Up starts with a jet-action brunette named Dinah. Within 24 hours Dinah’s big shot father is dead, and Dolan discovers that the guy who murdered him is…Brad Dolan.

Republica de Guajira. Cuba before the revolution. Seems like a couple of great spots to write home about.

In Brad Dolan’s Blonde Cargothe trouble starts in the usual  way. Her hair is tawny blonde, her eyes are the color of the Gulf Stream; she’s put together in all the right ways, and she has cash for a quick midnight charter to Florida, no questions asked. Seems like there’s always a power struggle in some banana Republic, so might as well make a few bucks from the chaos. That dream turned to a nightmare when Dolan finds himself tossed to the sharks, miles off the Cuban coast.

Time for a little R&R in Miami Beach while Jessie gets an overhaul.

In Brad Dolan’s Miami ManhuntDolan’s brain needs an overhaul for getting involved with Marta and her quick money scheme. Within days the police were looking to pin a murder rap on Dolan – if he stayed alive that long.

Brad Dolan’s Tight Squeeze is more about Dolan being squeezed than what he’s squeezing, although the reward might be worth the risk.  Jessie is cruising back to Cuba, with Dolan ready to settle a score. Good timing for an adventure, bad timing for Dolan’s health. Seems the rag-tag guerrillas in mountains above Habana were making progress against Batista and his thugs. Running guns seemed like a good idea for a smart guy with a boat. What could go wrong ?


Circa 1954